Australia Introduce Carbon Tax for Pollutants

Carbon tax imposed on producers of pollutants into an effort to Reduced CO2 emissions That affect climate change. In a press conference last Saturday (09/07/2011), Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, Announced That the industry in Australia Will it begin to be taxed.

"No more chance for pollutants to contaminate the atmosphere for free. From July 1, the freedom to pollute the atmosphere ends. Two Decades of denial and delay would end. Producing pollutants must pay," said Gillard toll AFP on Saturday (9 / 7 / 2011).

Gillard reveals, as much as 500-producing pollutants Will begin to be taxed in an effort to Reduced emissions, changing patterns of energy use and increase of investment in environmentally friendly energy. The plan, a carbon tax worth 23 Australian dollars per tonne, based on carbon emissions trading scheme European Union.

Will Gillard today announce details of policy. Targeted, carbon taxes Contributed Could be as much as 10-12 billion Australian dollars per year. Carbon price Will be designed to increase of 3-4 percent per year before it leads to the emission trading scheme with a floating price in 2015.

The Opposition has responded to the conservation of this policy with a cold. They looked, the Tax Will kill the industry, Causing Increasing unemployment and cost of living in Australia. However, Gillar said That the enforcement of this policy will from be accompanied by retirement benefits, cutting other taxes and fuel levy exemption.

Nevertheless, the model That made ​​the Australian Financial Review Revealed That the leading mining companies Such as Rio Tonto, Xstrata and BHP Billiton Will still be a hit with the imposition of this tax. With the price of 20 Australian dollars per tonne, they must bear up to 380 million Australian dollars.
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