Climate Change Threaten Peace

Mr. Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, in his speech at the trial session of the UN Security Council, warned that climate change will pose a threat to global peace and security.

"Extreme weather events will continue to become increasingly common in more intense, both in rich and poor countries, so that devastated the lives, infrastructure, institutions and budget, situation-a combination that can cause a dangerous security vacuum."

He also emphasizes that climate change negotiations meeting in Durban, South Africa, in December, "must reach an agreement reducing greenhouse gas emissions", as one of the main goals.

As reported earlier, the UN Security Council took the initiative to incorporate climate change as an agenda in the time trial session is considering the potential danger to world security. This is in line with the mandate of the UN General Assembly which mandates that climate change be addressed by any entity under the auspices of that organization.

In conclusion, as said by Ban Ki-moon said in closing his speech,

"We can not ignore history. But we must also clearly understand that there should be no spectator who was not involved in the effort to secure the future of our planet. "

Without serious anticipation, global climate change is believed to threaten global peace and security in the future. added Achim Steiner warn, a senior officials from the UN.

On the other hand, climate change is also shown to increase the scale of natural disasters. The combination of the two has become the biggest challenge in the decades ahead.

This threat, in fact taking place, for example in Somalia.

This country until now continued to hit the issue of civil war and famine, with limited natural resources and the condition was exacerbated climate change. It seems clear, global community-if correct-related scenarios of future climate change really happens, we will face a lot of extreme events (such as occurred in Somalia), he said.

This comment conveys related debate in the UN Security Council concerning environmental issues. Linkages with the global climate change global peace and security posed the first time a delegation from Germany.

On the other opinion also came from Minister for climate affairs (Climate Secretary) England, Chris Huhne said that climate change will increase the risk of war and violence. continued,

"Climate change is a factor that doubles threat (this). He will make the country unstable becoming increasingly vulnerable, the poor become poorer, the gap (economic and social) is getting lame, and the conflict the more easy going. "

On the fundamental point, the world looks do not fully understand that changing the balance of nature and the atmosphere can cause huge implications for human life. True that humans began to realize this and start businesses 'environmental revolution' in various ways, but the overall environment and the climate is still ranked low on the list of human priorities.

England itself, although not perfect, has initiated concrete steps to take part in the struggle against the climate crisis. London's Heathrow airport expansion plan delayed by limiting the impact of climate change. Recently, British Prime Minister David Cameron also announced a "carbon budget" latest. Under this plan, the UK will reduce emissions of global warming some 50% in 2025, an amount larger than the target of other developed countries.
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