Undermines The Combustion Repeated on Amazon Recovery

The Amazon forest can recover from logging, but has a much harder time again after repeated burning, reports a new study mongabay.com open-access journal Tropical Conservation Science. In areas where the Amazon has been transformed into pasture and was subjected to repeated burning, trees become the dominant tree Visimation inhibition of return of forest biodiversity. The key to the trees Visimation brutal domination, the study is that these species grow easily re-following the fire, the ability of most other trees in the Amazon is not found.

"For much of the Amazon basin, abandoned pastures are often dominated by Vismia species because it is the only tree of its kind capable of regenerating tissues below ground shoots. Repeated grass fires kill other advanced regeneration" The authors of the paper to write.

When left to regenerate, the areas recorded on Amazon to see the return of Cecropia trees, which is similar to what happens when Amazon sees natural disturbance. However, frequent fires suppress Cecropia trees, and trees should instead Visima: The researchers found that 100 percent of the trees re-sprouted after the fire Visima. But dominated by Cecropia trees, so there's biodiversity: the double of many species are found in these forests Visima reform dominates. Visima forests, then, becomes what the researchers called "Wasteland", while the forests are Cercopes to return to the rain forest with high biodiversity.

The researchers also found that disperse seeds did not play a very different role in the forests during Visimation Cercopia secondary, both experienced very few forests of introduced species by dispersing them.

"Seed dispersal of species in mature forests is dominated by Vismia is close to zero, but this is different from the dispersion in Cecropia stands dominated the succession does not stop. Therefore, the stop mechanism is in the first years after its abandonment in Vismia, burn survivors pasture becomes dominant by default, "the authors said. Forestry may adopt Visimation reconstitution of forests in recent decades.

With this knowledge, the authors recommend new policies to deter forest fires. Instead, a logged forest regeneration should be allowed without burning to turn over the area in pasture.

"Like most of the value of the forest is in the wood extract, clearcuts should be abandoned without conversion to pasture," the authors write, adding that "to prevent the conversion of forests to large unproductive Vismia Basin Amazon forest permits for timber extraction should include restrictions on subsequent human-induced degradation, as the conversion of grazing and prescribed burning. "

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